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How do electronic hanging scales operate safely?

Electronic hanging scale is divided into straight-looking hanging scale, heat-resistant scale, wireless hanging scale, water-proof scale, explosion-proof scale, today small for everyone to introduce how to use electronic hanging scale safety norms, thank you


How to use the electronic scale safely? First, files for the use of lifting scales should be established in accordance with the requirements of lifting mechanism parts, especially for important occasions such as lifting liquid metals, valuables and potentially manned operations under heavy objects, To correctly estimate whether the scale you are using is still in safe use. For example, if an ORS scale is used for eight hours a day and each time it is called a full load of 80 units, the average operation time is 30 minutes and the work is 300 days a year, then it can be calculated that the ORS scale can be used for 10.8 years and the OCS scale can be used for 5.4 years and 24 hours in three shifts. Shorten proportionately. Here we strongly recommend that you use the scale for a lifetime accounting, if beyond the use period please immediately stop!

Second, in daily use, before each lifting, please check whether the scale and the connectors rotate flexibly, whether the fixed clamp spring or nut at the shaft end is in good condition, and the joints should droop naturally and keep the same axis as the balance. On the one hand, it is more important to ensure the accuracy of weighing, and more importantly, to prevent the couplings which should bear tension from bearing bending moment because of the inflexibility of the joint rotation, thus seriously affecting the service life of the hanging scale and even causing the fracture accident. The joints should be regularly filled with lubricating oils, and high-temperature lubricating greases should be added for use in high temperature situations.

Third, the hooks and hoists used with the scale should be matched with the hoisting rings and hooks of the scale properly, so as not to be too tight and too loose, so as to prevent the scale from bearing the eccentric load and affecting the precision and service life.


Fourth, the weight of the scale should not bear too much torque, the hooks or hoists should be able to rotate flexibly in the range of 360 degrees in the horizontal direction of the hanging scales, so as to prevent the writhing of the weighing parts during the rotation of heavy objects. If you really need to transfer torque through the scale, please explain it when ordering, and let us know in time so that special measures can be taken.


Fifth, in use to guard against overloading and bearing the impact of the scale. When there is serious overload (150 above the rated load, the weigher falls more than 1 meter from the height) and is subjected to a strong collision (resulting in deformation of the shell, parts falling off or damaged), the inspection shall be stopped immediately, except for any change in the weighing accuracy, Also check the connection for damage, rotation is limited, if necessary, should be returned to the factory for inspection and repair.

Sixth, the external load-bearing parts of the scale (rings, lugs, bearings, universal joints, hooks, etc.) that are continuously used in three shifts shall be disassembled and inspected once every six months. First of all, the external appearance should be free of cracks, defects, deformation and serious wear. And the examination (magnetic powder or ultrasonic) is carried out. Two or one shifts can be extended to one year and one and a half years respectively.


7. In non-weighing operations, please remove the scale and put it on a special cart or rack. If it is really not convenient to remove it, you should be extra careful when using it and count the number of times used in the service life Because it is after all a precise measuring instrument, not a part of the crane. 


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